Muse ‘Drones’

  Known as one of the hottest live acts around, Muse is probably the biggest rock band to come out of the UK this century. The English rockers have just released their 7th studio album, “Drones,” a concept album of sorts reflecting frontman Matthew Bellamy’s views on drone warfare and an oppresive society.

  “Drones” is a dystopian vision opening with the dubstep feel of “Dead Inside” followed by the spoken track “Drill Sergeant.” This launches into the hit single “Psycho” which is one of the strongest tracks on the album with its driving beat courtesy of drummer Dominic Howard and bassist Christopher Wolstenholme. Produced by Mutt Lange, “Drones” is sonically slick with layers of sound enveloping the listener. Bellamy’s vocals are in top form but it’s his guitar that grabs your attention with the heavier riffs of “Mercy” and “Reapers” standing out.

  Another spoken track “JFK” features snippets of his famous speech before the album moves to a more pop/rock feel. “Defector” and “Revolt” both feature vocal harmonies in the style of Queen and the softer “Aftermath” is both poignant and grandiose in its style. Closing things out is the title track which ends the record in a littany of chants.

  “Drones” is a solid record but lacked the ability to really impress . It has some spectacular moments but comes off just a little too pretentious at times.