3 Doors Down and Collective Soul @ Erie County Fair, Hamburg, New York Wednesday, August 12, 2015

  The Erie County Fair christened their 176th season opening with rock bands 3 Doors Down and Collective Soul. The fair has been dealing with some bad luck over the last month as 2 other acts, Little Big Town and Meghan Trainor both have cancelled their shows (due to various health related reasons) leaving the fair with a much needed shot in the arm. Both bands with a slew of hits, gave the fans a good dose of solid rock and roll for 2 and half hours.

  Opening the show was Collective Soul. It’s been well over 8 years since I saw the band live so I was very interested in seeing what they would deliver in a live setting. Collective Soul 2015 consists of original members Ed (vocals and rhythm guitar) and Dean (rhythm guitar), Will Turpin on bass along with Johnny Rabb on drums and Jesse Triplett on lead guitar.

  Opening up with the mega hit “December,” the band was off and running and I do mean literally. Vocalist Ed Rowland was all over the stage jumping, dancing and running around the entire set. In the midst of promoting some fresh music, after playing a few tracks, Ed Roland remarked “you like new music don’t you Buffalo?” Then the band played another track called “Exposed.” The songs were well received and very diverse. It will make it interesting to hear the rest of the record when it comes out.

  They played the first song they ever recorded as a band, “Gel” and the first song Ed ever wrote, “Shine.” What I originally thought as an odd choice to end their set with the song “Run,” the band exited as Ed hung with his acoustic playing the last chords before exiting then playing the last 30 seconds or so off stage. It was unique and nice touch to end a solid set. Headliners 3 Doors Down took the stage at 9:37pm with guitarist Chet Roberts behind the keyboards alone playing the notes for the opening track “Here without You.” 3 Doors Down is also gearing up for a release later this year called “Us and the Night.” The Mississippi based band continues to show their roots as guitarist Chris Henderson played many guitars that had either a New Orleans Saints logo or LSU logo on it. Their southern hospitality also shined through as various members remarked after a song “thank you, thank you very much and god bless you!” They showed their appreciation throughout but, I think the fans did the same back. Lots were singing along to every song the entire night. Vocalist Brad Arnold took time to make sure that a few little kids got a few souvenirs by tossing some drumsticks to them during their set.

  The grittier song “Changes” was a highlight and one of the more up-tempo songs of the set. Drummer Greg Upchurch beat the hell out of the drums all night but no more apparent than the song “Behind Those Eyes.” Even after the song, Arnold made a comment about his skill behind the kit.

  Due to fireworks being scheduled at 10:45pm, the band finished their set without a proper encore and just played the songs straight through. After the last song “When I’m Gone,” Arnold brandished a Marine flag, thanking the Armed Services for their tireless effort in protecting our freedoms.

  I know rock and roll isn’t supposed to be perfect but a 3 Doors Down live show is as just as good as playing their CD/records at home. They really can recreate what was produced in the studio like few other bands can. This could be the hidden jewel of the Erie County Fair’s grandstand events for 2015!

3 Doors Down setlist:

Here Without You
Duck & Run
The Broken
Let me Go
Away from the sun
Not my Time
Road I’m On
Do it in the Dark
Behind Those Eyes
Danko (Still Alive)
Landing in London
The Better Life
Citizen Soldier
When I’m Gone

Collective Soul setlist:

Are You the Answer?
Better Now
World I Know
River Flows




We would like to thank Steve Karas of SKH Music for the credentials to cover the show.