Clutch ‘Psychic Warfare’

  Building on the success of their 2013 “Earth Rocker” CD, the Maryland rockers of Clutch are back with their 11th studio album, “Psychic Warfare,” released via their own Weather Maker label. Once again produced by Machine, the record is intense with strong songwriting that really plays to the band’s strengths.

  Kicking things off is a narrative intro “The Affidavit” before charging full steam ahead with the high energy of “X-Ray Visions” and “Firebirds.” The riffs are contagious and the songs are catchy as the vocals of frontman Neil Fallon complement the guitar of Tim Sult at every twist and turn. Driving it all is the forceful rhtyhm section of drummer Jean-Paul Gaster and bassist Dan Maines. Contrasting the high octane tracks is “Doom Saloon,” a short instrumental that leads into the slower, bluesy “Our Lady of Electric Light.” Closing things out is “Son of Virginia,” with an almost country-blues vibe to it which is a bit different of a sound but still resoundingly Clutch.

  Clutch really solidified their sound with the dynamic aggression of “Earth Rocker” and with this album they really upped the ante. The band is clearly on a roll as they once again take no prisoners with the electrifying “Psychic Warfare.” Turn it up and prepare for battle!