Fleetwood Mac @ First Niagara Center, Buffalo, New York 1-31-15

     With the long winter that never seems to be ending in Buffalo, Western New Yorkers needed a diversion. A good night of entertainment can heat up a cold Buffalo night. Well, the current Fleetwood Mac tour called “On With the Show” had the daunting task of doing just that and they left it scorching. The near capacity crowd enjoyed the more than two and a half hour performance from a band that was missing one of its centerpieces for 16 years. Keyboardist/vocalist Christine McVie took her rightful place on stage with the rest of the band and delivered an amazing performance. Coming on stage and going into “The Chain,” was a fitting song for the reunion of McVie and her bandmates.

     Although McVie took the spotlight, it’s hard to ignore the presence of one Stevie Nicks. Nicks vocals remained strong on the songs she sang lead vocals on. Songs like “Seven Wonders,” “Rhiannon,” and especially on “Landslide,” the song that you may have heard on Budweiser commercials for they last few years. That was really the highlight for Nicks. Guitarist Lindsey Buckingham accompanied her, showcasing just the two of them. They also stayed on stage together to play “Never Going Back Again.” Speaking of Buckingham, who is the brain trust and director of Fleetwood Mac, he got his spotlight as he absolutely killed it on “I’m So Afraid.” Video screens were lowered for “I Know I’m Not Wrong” as images of Buckingham mimicked the chorus of the song on the screen behind him. It was a cool and unique effect.

     Up next was one of my favorite Fleetwood Mac songs in “Tusk.” McVie came out from behind her Yamaha keyboard to play an accordion on the song. Nicks provided a great story to wrap up why she, personally, always has love for Buffalo. She talked about how in 1979, she was out with her band doing antiquing. She came across her now infamous top hat. She said it was a “must” purchase and it is kept under lock and key when she is not out on tour. She said this hat represents the gypsy in her. The band segued into the big hit from 1981’s “Mirage” album.

     The backbone and the heart and soul of Fleetwood Mac is the rhythm section consisting of bassist John McVie and drummer Mick Fleetwood. The band name bears both last names of the aforementioned, and they are really the driving force behind the band. McVie received long and appreciative applause as fans know he has been battling cancer since a 2013 diagnosis. Fleetwood made a few appearances from behind the main kit to the front of the stage behind a simpler drum setup. He did this for the songs “I Know I’m Not Wrong” and “Gypsy.” What a night of rock n roll. As stated early, it was just what Buffalo needed and apparently “The Chain” might have been severed, but wasn’t completely broken!


The Chain
You Make Loving Fun
Second Hand News
I Know I’m Not Wrong
Sisters of the Moon
Say You Love Me
Seven Wonders
Big Love
Never Going Back Again
Over My Head
Little Lies
Gold Dust Woman
I’m So Afraid
Go Your Own Way


World Turning Don’t Stop Silver Springs

Encore 2:


We would like to thank Tracey Mancini for her assistance in getting BackstageAxxesss credentialed.