When it comes to the greatest guitar players of our time, one would be remiss not to include the legendary Uli Jon Roth. Many know him for his time in the band Scorpions but he has also had a very successful solo career. Known for his live improvisational skills, Uli’s live shows are a musical sensory experience with no two being quite the same. His influences and love for music are not defined by genre and his classical interpretations such as “Metamorphosis” are some of his strongest work. Not only does he write music and play guitar like no one else, Uli has also invented his own guitar which is called the SKY guitar. This allows him to play higher octaves like that of a violin, a feat that was impossible on a traditional guitar. It’s hard to believe, but Uli has been gracing stages all over the world for over 50 years and has currently embarked on the US leg of his Triple Anniversary World Tour to celebrate such an accomplishment. BackstageAxxess had the opportunity to catch up with Uli and get the details about the tour and a new DVD release he has coming up soon. Please join us for a conversation with iconic guitarist Uli Jon Roth.
We would like to thank Chip Ruggieri from Chipster PR for setting up the interview with Uli. For more information on Uli Jon Roth please go to: Uli Jon Roth.