Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) Interview

  The reunion story of 2010 is the reincarnation of Limp Bizkit. The band has been doing some shows for radio stations throughout the country the last couple of months. Its first true test in front of a major audience since getting back together was at this years Rock on the Range Festival. While in the media tent, we were able to grab guitarist Wes Borland to talk about how the reunion came about. We also talked about the recent cancellation behind their summer shed tour and what the fans can expect with the new release of “Gold Cobra.” Lets look at the very unique Wes Borland…


We would like to thank Wes for taking the time to talk to us. for more information on the current news on Limp Bizkit, you can go to:http://www.limpbizkit.com/.