Mark Weiss Interview

     As BackstageAxxess continues to bring you intriguing and exclusive interviews with the artists that matter to you most, we also realize that the music business is comprised of much more than just the artists that perform on stage. BackstageAxxess wanted to focus on a different aspect of what you, the reader, sees and hears about. Recently, we spent an afternoon with one of the most famous rock photographers on the planet; Mark Weiss. Mark invited BackstageAxxess to his home to do an exclusive interview with him.

     We were treated to a tour and saw some of his gold records and his cabinets of files holding photographs that have spanned an impressive 35-year career. We talked about his close relationships with such artists as the late Ronnie James Dio to Buffalo’s own Rick James. We also talked about his reclamation of the rock magazine called Rock Scene. Lets join Mark behind the lens and see the music through his eyes.

     We would like to thank Mark Weiss for allowing BackstageAxxess for this exclusive interview. For more information on Mark, please go to: and