Derek St. Holmes Interview

  The beautiful grounds of the Willow Creek Winery in Upstate NY recently welcomed the Rockers of Radio Tour, an all-star jam that features three great vocal talents; Fran Cosmo (Boston), Derek St. Holmes (Ted Nugent ) and Jimi Jamison (Survivor). caught up with both Derek and Jimi just before show time to discuss the tour and details of each of their past and current musical endeavors. Both provided an impressive resume of accomplishments. After briefly discussing his current projects, Derek St. Holmes shared a host of other things with us, from his experiences in working with the tenacious Ted Nugent to an unlikely request for services from the Courtney Love camp that will peak your interest! At any rate, both gentlemen were a pleasure to chat with and the wine was pretty damn good too! Here is our part with Derrick. Enjoy!

We would like to thank Back to Back Entertainment for setting up the interview, Willow Creek Winery for their hospitality, and Derek St. Holmes for his time.