Shawn “Clown” Crahan (Slipknot / Black Dots of Death) Interview recently sat down with Slipknot percussionist Shawn Crahan (Clown.) Also known as Clown or Number 6 to his fans, Clown has new project called the Black Dots of Death and a new CD from the band called “When We Were Children.”
Clown talks about how he transformed past anger into a spiritual energy which fueled this project and latest CD. he is very proud of this and does not shy away from that. He also talked about what to expect from Slipknot on the upcoming European festival circuit and whether or not new bassist Donnie Steel will or will not share the stage with them. You will find it all here with the one and only Clown.

We would like to thank Kymm Britton PR at 60 Cycle Media and Clown’s assistant Edward Martin for setting up the interview with him. For more information on the Black Dots of Death, please go to: For more information on Slipknot, you can go here: