Geoff Tate (Queensryche) Interview

  When one looks to compile a list of rocks finest and most distinctive voices, one of the first names that will come to mind is Queensryche front man Geoff Tate. Geoff and his band and just released their 12th studio album entitled Dedicated to Chaos. Well, this chaotic ride for Geoff and Queensryche has lasted 30 plus years now and the band is out on the road celebrating both achievements. sat down with Geoff to talk about the aforementioned and his signature wine series called Insania. We also talk about his recent vocal chord issue and his thoughts about the recent passing of former Warrant front man Jani Lane. Is there anybody listening? Well, we hope so as the one and only Geoff Tate takes center stage with


We would like to thank Jeff Albright from Albright Entertainment Group for setting up the interview with Geoff. For more information on Queensryche, please go to: For more information on Geoff himself, please visit: For more information on purchasing Insania wine, please go to:,%20P.ProductName%20ASC&startrow=1.

*Also stay tuned for our exclusive giveaway of an autographed copy of “Dedicated to Chaos.”