When talking about any genre of music, it’s always important to know where, when and how that form of music you’re talking about originated so you get a better understanding of what you are discussing. With the genre of Heavy Metal, there is one name that goes hand in hand with the mention of this type of music. Some have nicknamed him the “Father of Metal’ and he just recently released his first autobiography “Iron Man: My Journey Through Heaven and Hell with Black Sabbath.” The man of whom we speak of is none other than Mr. Tony Iommi.
We recently sat down with Tony to talk about this book. We also talked about his recent deal with producer Mike Fleiss to write movie scores. We also talked about the impeding rumors of the Black Sabbath reunion. It should be noted the next day a press statement was released stating that there would be a major announcement at the Whiskey A-Go-Go in Los Angeles, California on 11/11/11 at 11:11am with the original members of Black Sabbath. We were unaware of this, as Tony kept a tight lip and didn’t mention it during our interview.
Let’s sit back with the master of guitar riffs himself and see what this Rock and Roll Hall of Famer dished out to us at Backstageaxxess…

We would like to thank Lissa Warren VP & Senior Director of Publicity from Da Capo Press / Da Capo Lifelong Books for setting up the interview with Tony. David Castillo and the entire staff at Saint Vitus Bar for their hospitality and letting Backstageaxxess.com to film our interview there. For more information on Saint Vitus Bar in Brooklyn, NY, please go to: http://www.saintvitusbar.com/. Carolyn T. Hughes and Ray Pizarro of Barnes and Noble on 97 Warren Street in NY, NY for allowing Backstageaxxess.com to obtain live footage of Tony’s signing. Ralph Baker from Equator Music for his generosity.
For more information on Tony Iommi and the book, please go to: http://www.iommi.com/. For more information on the current happenings of Black Sabbath, please go to: http://www.blacksabbath.com/.