Harvey Goldsmith Interview

     During the past 3 years we have interviewed and talked to some of the biggest artists in music, but this past Friday at Canadian Music Week, we probably interviewed the biggest “behind the scenes” name in the music industry. If you don’t recognize the name Harvey Goldsmith you should. He not only organized the biggest festivals of the last 30 years, including both Live Aid and Live 8 shows, he was the mastermind of getting together Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones for the monumental Led Zeppelin reunion at the O2 arena back in December of 2007.

     Currently, Goldsmith is organizing the Jubilee Family Festival that will be taking place in Hyde Park on June 2nd & 3rd 2012. In addition to all of his duties planning and putting together shows and festivals, he happens to hold the position of manager to arguably the most amazing guitarist on the planet, Jeff Beck.

     We were so privileged to get a rare, one-on-one with Harvey and he didn’t hold back in telling us what it took to get Led Zeppelin to perform once again. He also shared his personal insight on the band ever taking flight again. In addition, Harvey told us what he is looking for in managing a band.

So sit back and enjoy an interview with the individual who was voted by Event Awards in 2011 as the most influential man in the music industry, Mr. Harvey Goldsmith.

We would like to thank Melissa Dragich-Cordero of MAD Ink PR for setting up the interview with Harvey. For more information on the upcoming Jubilee Family Festival, a band that Harvey manages or just information on Harvey himself, please go to: Harvey Goldsmith.