As a songwriter, video pioneer, producer, recording artist, computer software developer, conceptualist, lecturer, and interactive artist. Rundgren has made a lasting impact on both the form and contact of popular music. From his own timeless hits of )”Hello It’s Me,” I Saw the Light,” “Bang the Drum,”) to his power pop band Utopia, to his myriad record productions (Hall & Oates, Patti Smith, Grand Funk Railroad, Cheap Trick, Meat Loaf) and universally acknowledged as the godfather of the marriage of music and multimedia, he is truly a modern day Renaissance man.
We sat down and talked to Todd about his second go round with Ringo and the All Star Band and what does playing with Ringo personally mean to him. Sit back and enjoy a pleasant conversation with Todd Rundgren.

We would like to thank Jennifer Murphy from the Fallsview Casino for setting up the interview with Steve. For more information on the Ringo Starr All Star Band, please go to: Ringo Starr All Star Band. .
For more information on Todd in general, please go to: Todd Rundgren.