During the 27th installment of Farm Aid, we sat down with a veteran of the festival, Jesse Lenat. Jesse is a singer/ songwriter and actor from Brooklyn, NY. Jesse has participated in a few of these over the last handful of years. In talking with him, we really get the importance (in my opinion) of the most important festival that happens each year in the United States.
Growing up in rural Pennsylvania and the son of a cactus farmer, we talk about this and how this became the title of his current CD (Cactus Farmer). Jesse has also been touring the U.S. in the production of “Ghost Brothers of Darkland County.” We chat with him to see how he balances being both an actor and a singer.
One of the nicest guys you would ever meet and talk to, we gladly present an interview with Jesse Lenat.
We would like to thank the staff at Farm Aid for setting up the interview with Jesse. For more information on Jesse, please go to: Jesse Lenat.
For more information on Farm Aid, please visit: Farm Aid.