Eddie Kramer Interview

  When talking about all time great record producers, Eddie Kramer should be one of the first names mentioned. If there was a “Mount Rushmore” of the greatest producers of all times, his face would be carved in it for sure. While the names go on and on with regard to whom he has worked with, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Eric Clapton and KISS to name a few, Eddie has a new project he is currently focused on.

  During NAMM we stopped by the F-Pedals booth to talk to Eddie about the new F-pedal. It’s innovative and wireless. Along with Francesco Sondelli, the company founder, they came out with a product that they believe will change how guitar pedals will be used going forward.

  We talk to Eddie and get a demonstration of the F-Pedal from one of his protégé’s 13 year old Ray Goren of Studio City, California. You can see how this product could revolutionize the music business. Find more info here about the F-Pedal and hear Eddie share some stories about working with Jimmy Page.

  Ladies and gentleman, the one and only Eddie Kramer!

We would like to thank both Francesco Sondelli and Eddie Kramer for their time in setting up the interview. For more information on Eddie, please visit: F-Pedals. For more information on Eddie himself, please visit: Eddie Kramer.