As the Black Veil Brides are currently entrenched in the making of their follow up record to “Wretched and Divine,” guitarist Jinxx made an appearance at the Schecter booth to promote his new guitar; The Recluse. Jinxx goes into the specifications of the guitar and how the idea came into being. He also talks about his relationship with Schecter and what the fans can expect from BVB going forward.
I personally have seen BVB come a long way in just a short time. Whether you love or hate this band, there is no denying how BVB have made their mark with their music and their look. We are happy to present this interview with Jinxx!
Thanks to Allen Steelgrave of Schecter Guitars for setting up the interview. For more information on the Jinxx Recluse signature guitar, please go to: Schecter Guitars. For more information on Black Veil Brides please visit: Black Veil Brides.