25 years ago Ice T and Body Count turned the world upside down with their controversial track “Cop Killer” subjecting themselves to protests and the wrath of policital action groups like the Parent’s Music Resource Center. It’s now 2017 and Body Count is about to unleash their sixth album “Bloodlust” onto the heavy metal world. The new record is an absolute powerhouse of metal mayhem and thought provoking tunes. Touching on many of the same topics as their debut album, “Bloodlust” tackles many of the social and political issues ongoing in this country on tracks like “Civil War” and “No Lives Matter” with all the savagery and brutality the band can muster. Body Count doesn’t release a ton of records but when they do, they clearly have something important to say and “Bloodlust” may be their most definitive album yet. BackstageAxxess had the opportunity to speak with the man responsible for the metal masterpiece, guitarist Ernie C. Please join us and find out everything that’s going on with Body Count.
We would like to thank David McDonald from Century Media for setting up the interview with Ernie C. To order the album on iTunes, please go here: iTunes. For more information on Body Count, please click here: Body Count.