Tommy Thayer (KISS) Interview

  A staple at NAMM over the last handful of years has become KISS guitarist Tommy Thayer. Tommy has been slinging the axe with KISS for over 10 years now, so it’s about time that a Tommy Thayer signature guitar should come to light right? Well, Tommy and Epiphone have teamed up to make this a reality. Tommy talks about why he wanted to go with Epiphone and not its big brother Gibson. He also talks about the specifics of the guitar and why he is so comfortable playing the same model on tour with KISS.

  We also discuss how he has made his mark on the last two KISS studio albums. Especially on “Monster,” where he has really come into his own as a guitar player while leaving an indelible mark on the band’s history of guitar players.

  In addition, we talk about the current KISS tour and if there will be future dates here in the states come fall. Also, we talk about the next installment of the KISSology series (4). Plus, what would be a conversation with a KISS member without talking about the KISS Kruise?

  I have talked with Tommy a few times over the years and you couldn’t meet a more genuine guy. It’s always a pleasure when we bring you a conversation with Kiss guitarist Tommy Thayer.

We would like to thank Fred Yager of Gibson Guitars for his assistance in setting up the interview with Tommy. For more information on the Tommy Thayer signature guitar, please go to: Tommy Thayer Guitar. For more information on Tommy Thayer, please go to: Tommy Thayer. For KISS information, please go to: KISS.