Steve Vai Interview

  What is there to say about Steve Vai that hasn’t been said? He is a true wizard and mastermind of his craft and has garnered various awards for his exceptional skills. He is currently is the midst of getting ready to release his next solo album called, “Mullach A’TSi.” He is also about to go out on the next installment of the G3 tour in Europe this summer with Joe Satriani and Steve Morse. Steve also finds time to appear on many other artists’ albums and made the time to appear at this year’s Revolver Golden God Awards where caught up with him.

  Whatever it is that Steve has to convey through his guitar, or verbally, in this interview, one can be sure that the audience is always listening…


Photos by Correspondent Diane Daybrow.


We would like to give a special thanks to Joseph Schneider of Rogers and Cowan for allowing to take part in the Black Carpet festivities at this years Revolver Golden God Awards show. For more information on the show, please go to: REVOLVER MAGAZINE. For more information on Steve Vai, please go to: Steve Vai.