In 1989, a band named Warrant began to make their mark on the hard rock and metal scene with their debut release “Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich” which spawned hits like “Down Boys” and the ballad “Heaven” which were brought right into our living rooms during the height of the MTV era. Unlike many bands of this era, Warrant would not suffer from the dreaded sophomore slump as their follow up record “Cherry Pie” soared them on the road to success with their iconic video for the title track as well as the ultra cool hard hitting “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” The band would go on to sell over eight million albums and garner themselves many Top 40 hits and Number One videos on MTV.
Warrant also experienced its share of difficulties with the departure and subsequent death of singer Jani Lane and an ever changing music industry. In recent years, the band seems to be back on solid ground with 2011’s “Rockaholic” release, their first featuring the talented Robert Mason on vocals and their brand new album “Louder, Harder, Faster.” BackstageAxxess had the opportunity to talk with one of the original members, bassist Jerry Dixon, about the new record and current touring plans. To catch up on all the latest from Warrant, please join us for a conversation with Jerry Dixon.
We would like to thank Jon Freeman of Freeman Promotions for setting up the interview with Jerry. For more information on Warrant including their new CD “Louder Harder Faster” please go to: Warrant.